NSW COMBINED HIGH SCHOOLS SPORTS ASSOCIATION NORTH WESTERN METROPOLITAN HIGH SCHOOLS SPORTS ASSOCIATION BASKETBALL Each team is allowed to play as many as 10 players in a game (unlimited substitution). All players are to be properly attired in their school coloured singlets with numbers clearly displayed on the front and the back. No player may play in more than one game on the day. The 1st game should commence as close to 1:00 PM as possible. The game will consist of 2 x 20 minute halves with 3 minutes being allowed for halftime. Two x 1 minute time-outs are permitted for each team per half. The clock will stop for all time-outs taken and for every whistle in the last minute of the 2nd half if the score is within 10 points. In the event of the score being tied at the conclusion of the 2nd half, the game will be declared a draw. This rule applies to all regular season games as well as the semi-finals. If a semi-final match ends in a draw, the higher placed/ranked team will advance to the grand final. In the grand finals, a 5 minute extra time period will be played when a game ends in a draw. If the game is still tied after the 1st overtime, a second 5 minute overtime will be played. These overtime periods should continue, but the zone might decide that after 2 overtimes the teams should be declared co-champions.
Ball size 14s are to play with a Size 6 ball 15s and Opens are to play with a Size 7 ball FIBA Official Basketball Rules |